A more stable Home Buying market in sight in Norway

Av: Dato: English

Once again, I’d like to share some exciting news with you English speakers regarding the developments in the housing market, especially in light of the sales figures for February that were released a a week ago.

There might be an excessive focus on price developments, but as a buyer, it’s important to keep an eye on prices to make an informed decision about whether to buy a property now or wait.

To address the latter first, based on the current situation, there are no indications that waiting for a price drop would be beneficial in the future if you’re looking to buy. My advice is to check the available properties and make a purchase when it suits your life situation.

We’re no longer in a buyer’s market, but the consolation is that if you have a property to sell to finance a purchase, you can be more confident that your investment might be profitable in the future.

Here are some key figures from February:

  • Housing prices rose by 1.4% nationwide.
  • Housing prices have increased by 4.9% so far this year.
  • The growth over the past 12 months has been 1.5%.
  • The average time on the market is 65 days compared to 35 days in the same month last year.
  • The inventory of unsold homes has decreased.

I’m looking forward to an exciting spring in the housing market and am eager to hear from you if you need some guidance on your journey toward a successful purchase. 

Best regards
Boligdama – Trude Larsen
+47 950 37 330



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